Social Media & Teenagers

Social Media & Teenagers

If you were born before the 1990s then social media simply wasn’t a thing. Chances are, you’re probably grateful. Who would want every moment of their life – especially during the painful roller coaster of teenage years – paraded in front of the world? It can seem...
Dealing With Social Anxiety

Dealing With Social Anxiety

Social anxiety (a.k.a. social phobia) is a fear that makes its sufferers feel like they’re going to screw up or embarrass themselves in public. This can get quite severe, causing you to have panic attacks not only when you’re in public, but also just at the thought of...
Managing Depression Using This Technique

Managing Depression Using This Technique

Depression & Behavioural Activation What Is Depression? What we’re talking in this post is the clinical definition of depression (not the everyday “feeling down” idea of depression). Listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth...
Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself

Do you believe in yourself? The one freedom we all have is to choose the attitude we take in any given situation, including how we think of ourselves. Everyone goes through moments of self-doubt. You’re not sure you’re good enough to get the dream job, get into a top...
Help Your Older Child Adjust To Your New Baby…

Help Your Older Child Adjust To Your New Baby…

So you’ve made the announcement. You have another addition to your family on the way and everybody is thrilled for you…except for your first child. Sibling rivalry can rear its less-than-charming head soon after the news is broken, and you’re confronted with difficult...
Getting Your Children Off Screens

Getting Your Children Off Screens

Its summer, school’s out, and the days are long. Lots of children get through the days with extra helpings of screens and tech. Children are tech-bound for up to eight hours a day, and teenagers more than 11 hours a day. The only activity they’re actually found to be...

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