Helping Your Child Deal With Anger

Helping Your Child Deal With Anger

How Can I Help My Child Deal with Anger?All human beings get angry. We’re supposed to, evolutionarily speaking it helps us to survive when our fight or flight options get restricted down to the former. But anger can of course also be damaging, it can overwhelm us,...
Try These 5 Tips For Your Fussy Eater…

Try These 5 Tips For Your Fussy Eater…

Your little one used to be a happy little Hoover, vacuuming up anything and everything you set before them. But, then somewhere around the age of two the mouth shuts, the jaws are set, and suddenly the reaction you get when trying to introduce foods (especially new...
Dealing With Sleep Difficulties In Children…

Dealing With Sleep Difficulties In Children…

Most parents expect their newborns to wake them up in the middle of the night. But, sometimes interrupted sleeping patterns can continue on past infancy. It’s estimated that sleep difficulties affect up to 30% of children, and they can have a significant impact on...
Can Clinical Psychology Help You?

Can Clinical Psychology Help You?

Psychology is all about mind and behaviour. Clinical Psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness and behavioural problems.Clinical Psychology involves understanding Practicing Clinical Psychologists have the...
ADHD Diagnosis

ADHD Diagnosis

Is it hard for you to sit still? Do you act without thinking first? Do you start but not finish things? Perhaps you see these symptoms in your child? If so, they could be a signs of ADHD. Most people will show some of these behaviors at times, but ADHD is much more...
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

You’ve more than likely heard the terms “autism,” “Asperger’s,” and “on the spectrum.” In fact, they can be used so much that some people can lose sight of their true meanings, how people living with these conditions are affected, and what it means for their lives. ...

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