by Dr Schnack | Jun 13, 2020 | Adult Psychology, Teen
The Covid-19 crisis has affected us all in many different ways, physically, emotionally, economically, socially, and psychologically. We have all been dealing with the challenges brought by this virus, including possible illness, and the obstacles and interruptions to...
by Dr Schnack | May 16, 2020 | Adult Psychology, Teen
Panic Attacks!!! Your heart pounds. You sweat. Your hands shake and you’re certain that this is it, you’re done for. You’ve come face-to-face with… nothing actually. That’s the nasty thing about panic disorder – it doesn’t have to be triggered by anything specific....
by Dr Schnack | Apr 14, 2020 | Adult Psychology, Teen
Do you strive for flawlessness in all parts of your life?Do you set unattainable standards for yourself?Here are some ways to reduce the many pitfalls that come from striving for perfection… Perfectionism represents a mental roadblock in which sufferers deem...
by Dr Schnack | Mar 8, 2020 | Adult Psychology, Teen
We all experience unwanted thoughts, some of which cause us distress, most of the time we manage this distress, and get past the thought. Other times we might become so distressed we feel unable to manage, and obsess over what we’ve just thought and in some cases this...
by Dr Schnack | Mar 2, 2020 | Teen, Uncategorized
If you were born before the 1990s then social media simply wasn’t a thing. Chances are, you’re probably grateful. Who would want every moment of their life – especially during the painful roller coaster of teenage years – paraded in front of the world? It can seem...
by Dr Schnack | Feb 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
Social anxiety (a.k.a. social phobia) is a fear that makes its sufferers feel like they’re going to screw up or embarrass themselves in public. This can get quite severe, causing you to have panic attacks not only when you’re in public, but also just at the thought of...