My work always begins with a robust clinical assessment, I use a combination of methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding (including psychometric testing where appropriate) of how past and present factors contribute to the development of psychological problems. This clinical assessment helps identify the right treatment intervention.
Upon the conclusion of the clinical assessment, I utilise a range of psychological interventions that are well evidenced, clinically proven, in line with national treatment guidelines, and suited to the individual profile and problem. Follow up consultations last 50 to 60 minutes. The number and frequency of sessions will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, and there is no commitment required to attend a set number of sessions.
I have worked with the British Law Courts since 2008, assessing adults and children in Public and Private Law proceedings. This work has included psychological assessment, risk assessment, cognitive and capacity assessments. As well as assessment I have provided treatment planning for children and their parents who have complex needs.
Over the course of my career I have provided supervision within the NHS, in IAPT Services, to trainee clinical psychologist, and Clinical Psychologists in independent practice. I have a breadth and depth of experience that supports a wide range of approaches to help our clients, with a special emphasis on formulations and obstacles to change. I also have considerable experience in Child Protection issues.
I provide teaching, training, and workshops to a wide range of professionals. I have provided workshops and talks on a range of topics relevant to mental health. The material I deliver is evidence-based and links with the theory and practice of clinical psychology, as well as taking into account positive psychological principles. I have provided these services to state and independent schools, as well as professional organisations.
Press &Media
As a qualified and highly experienced Clinical Psychologist I work with the media and entertainment industries. I contribute comments for the press on a wide range of topics. relating to psychology, wellbeing, and lifestyle. Themes have included children and young people’s mental health, adult mental health, relationships, and drugs and alcohol. As well as providing comments and tips for the press, I write and share articles on my blog, social media platforms TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook (links above).