
Emotional Wellbeing During Covid-19
Emotional Wellbeing During Covid-19

The Covid-19 crisis has affected us all in many different ways, physically, emotionally, economically, socially, and psychologically. We have all been dealing with the challenges brought by this virus, including possible illness, and the obstacles and interruptions to...

Proven Ways To Deal With Panic attacks
Proven Ways To Deal With Panic attacks

Panic Attacks!!! Your heart pounds. You sweat. Your hands shake and you’re certain that this is it, you’re done for. You’ve come face-to-face with… nothing actually. That’s the nasty thing about panic disorder – it doesn’t have to be triggered by anything specific....

Practical Tips To Overcome Perfectionism
Practical Tips To Overcome Perfectionism

Do you strive for flawlessness in all parts of your life?Do you set unattainable standards for yourself?Here are some ways to reduce the many pitfalls that come from striving for perfection... Perfectionism represents a mental roadblock in which sufferers deem their...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD

We all experience unwanted thoughts, some of which cause us distress, most of the time we manage this distress, and get past the thought. Other times we might become so distressed we feel unable to manage, and obsess over what we’ve just thought and in some cases this...

Social Media & Teenagers
Social Media & Teenagers

If you were born before the 1990s then social media simply wasn’t a thing. Chances are, you’re probably grateful. Who would want every moment of their life – especially during the painful roller coaster of teenage years – paraded in front of the world? It can seem...

Dealing With Social Anxiety
Dealing With Social Anxiety

Social anxiety (a.k.a. social phobia) is a fear that makes its sufferers feel like they’re going to screw up or embarrass themselves in public. This can get quite severe, causing you to have panic attacks not only when you’re in public, but also just at the thought of...

Managing Depression Using This Technique
Managing Depression Using This Technique

Depression & Behavioural Activation What Is Depression? What we’re talking in this post is the clinical definition of depression (not the everyday “feeling down” idea of depression). Listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth...

Believe In Yourself
Believe In Yourself

Do you believe in yourself? The one freedom we all have is to choose the attitude we take in any given situation, including how we think of ourselves. Everyone goes through moments of self-doubt. You’re not sure you’re good enough to get the dream job, get into a top...

Am I A Perfectionist?
Am I A Perfectionist?

How do you know if you’re suffering from perfectionism versus having high standards? Here are some questions you can ask yourself that might help you see the difference: Standards I set: Do I routinely disappoint myself when I’m trying to live up to the standards I...

Helping Your Child Deal With Anger
Helping Your Child Deal With Anger

How Can I Help My Child Deal with Anger?All human beings get angry. We’re supposed to, evolutionarily speaking it helps us to survive when our fight or flight options get restricted down to the former. But anger can of course also be damaging, it can overwhelm us,...

Try These 5 Tips For Your Fussy Eater…
Try These 5 Tips For Your Fussy Eater…

Your little one used to be a happy little Hoover, vacuuming up anything and everything you set before them. But, then somewhere around the age of two the mouth shuts, the jaws are set, and suddenly the reaction you get when trying to introduce foods (especially new...

Dealing With Sleep Difficulties In Children…
Dealing With Sleep Difficulties In Children…

Most parents expect their newborns to wake them up in the middle of the night. But, sometimes interrupted sleeping patterns can continue on past infancy. It’s estimated that sleep difficulties affect up to 30% of children, and they can have a significant impact on...

Help Your Older Child Adjust To Your New Baby…
Help Your Older Child Adjust To Your New Baby…

So you’ve made the announcement. You have another addition to your family on the way and everybody is thrilled for you…except for your first child. Sibling rivalry can rear its less-than-charming head soon after the news is broken, and you’re confronted with difficult...

Getting Your Children Off Screens
Getting Your Children Off Screens

Its summer, school’s out, and the days are long. Lots of children get through the days with extra helpings of screens and tech. Children are tech-bound for up to eight hours a day, and teenagers more than 11 hours a day. The only activity they’re actually found to be...

Can Clinical Psychology Help You?
Can Clinical Psychology Help You?

Psychology is all about mind and behaviour. Clinical Psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness and behavioural problems.Clinical Psychology involves understanding Practicing Clinical Psychologists have the...

ADHD Diagnosis
ADHD Diagnosis

Is it hard for you to sit still? Do you act without thinking first? Do you start but not finish things? Perhaps you see these symptoms in your child? If so, they could be a signs of ADHD. Most people will show some of these behaviors at times, but ADHD is much more...

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder

You’ve more than likely heard the terms “autism,” “Asperger’s,” and “on the spectrum.” In fact, they can be used so much that some people can lose sight of their true meanings, how people living with these conditions are affected, and what it means for their lives. ...

Why do I do that? Why Do You…?
Why do I do that? Why Do You…?

How do you see yourself? Do you have a style of self-presentation, or is it really a form of self-deception? We see what we want to see, read on to find out more about defence mechanisms. We psychologists sometimes talk about Defense Mechanisms, which are all about...

Diagnosing Autism / ASD
Diagnosing Autism / ASD

If you are concerned that you or your child is showing signs of an Autism Spectrum Disorder, you should speak to your GP, who should be able to refer you for a formal assessment (diagnosis). You may have to wait some time before you actually go for the assessment, as...

Helping Your Child With Bullying
Helping Your Child With Bullying

We’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t experienced some form of bullying in their lives, either as a child, teenager, or even as an adult. Sometimes, we accept it as normal, it’s just something that happens to children all the time, kids being kids. But...

85 Fun Activities for Kids
85 Fun Activities for Kids

85 Fun Activities for Children Feeling sad, low in mood, or anxious, can have a big impact on activity levels and enjoyment. Children and young people who often feel sad, or low in mood, engage in very few activities that give them enjoyment, and a sense of...


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